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Compulsion: Magnetic Desires Page 8

  Birdie stared at Clo for a long moment. "How much did you have, Clo?"

  "I’m fine." She slurred a little. "Do you want me to walk a straight line?" Putting one foot in front of the other she took a few steps, spun and came back. "See?"

  "Okay." I kissed the top of her head. "Let me find my shoes, and get you some water. I’ll meet you in the car."

  She nodded and followed Birdie across the lawn to her car while I headed into the house. On the way out, I snagged a couple bottles of water from the fridge. One for the car ride and one for later, in case Clo needed it.

  I mulled over why Birdie would want to go to Blazers and came up with nothing. She didn’t drink, and she didn’t dance, so it wasn’t the type of place she went. Whoever these friends were, they had to be important. God help me if Bella was one of them. I hadn’t seen her since before I broke up with her over the phone. That hadn’t been my finest moment. Recalling the memory made me cringe.

  Locking the front door, I jogged over to Birdie’s matchstick car. Mattel had made a shoebox that was similar. Heaven help me, I didn’t know why she loved the purple Hyundai, but she did. When she’d been living with me I’d even offered to let her drive the truck, but she’d said her car suited her perfectly and that was the end of the discussion.

  Opening the door, I scooted into the tiny backseat and tried to unfold my legs. It was claustrophobic, and I had to sit sideways with my legs across the seat to fit in, but it wasn’t a big deal for one night out with my girls.

  Clo and Birdie were talking in the front, and I had to strain to pick up their words over the sound of the music. For some reason, my sister had taken a liking to pop. I shook my head at her poor choice of music, preferring anything over the awful sound of the boy bands she liked to listen to.

  Watching them chat made me smile, though I wasn’t able to eavesdrop the way I wanted to. Birdie had been quiet around Clo, which I could understand after years of watching me pine for the girl. She was protective of me. It was the same way I was about her. Birdie had taken her time, but it seemed like she might have stopped blaming Clo for keeping me from being happy.

  The light up ahead turned red, and Birdie stopped. The music lulled allowing me to hear what they were saying in the front seat, but at that moment it seemed the conversation stopped too. Then as if fate had been waiting all along for this red light, at this intersection, at this particular lull in the conversation, Clo blurted out, "I’ll take home the first guy who offers me a wild ride. God, I need a man."

  Birdie snorted.

  Bolting up straight, I tried to work out if I’d heard right, or imagined what I wanted to hear. I wanted to ask her to repeat herself, but I didn’t dare. She hadn’t been with anyone since she left Zack. I would have known. Cracking a window, I shoved my hand through my hair and wondered who turned the heater on.

  "Seriously?" Birdie asked Clo, staring at me in the rear vision mirror.

  "Yes. I’ve only ever been with one man, and I haven’t had sex in ages. I want to do something spontaneous and out of my comfort zone. I want to have a one night stand."

  My palms clammy, I smoothed them over my jeans. She really was ready for something. Maybe not the relationship I had in mind, but at least a good time. This might be the closest I would get to hearing what I wanted from her. Not a proclamation of love, but a chance to make our friendship more. I couldn’t let this chance slip through my fingers like I had when we were teenagers.

  If there was a time to convince her we were supposed to be more than friends, it had to be now. Leaning into the front seat, my heart wild and my mouth dry, I put my hand on her shoulder. Birdie gawked at us with her mouth open, ignoring the green light. Using my I’m taking you home gaze on Clo, I stared her straight in the eyes. "I could give you the ride of your life."

  Giggling, she punched me on the arm. "We all know you don’t count."

  She might as well have slapped me across the face and told me I was a loser. I certainly felt like one. Birdie turned to face the road and didn’t say anything as she accelerated, leaving the lights behind. Apparently, I was not Mr. Smooth. I rested against the seat, my fists clenched as I stared at the back of Clo’s head. Maybe I’d been fooling myself all these years.

  I’d been friend zoned for so damn long; I wasn’t sure how to make her see past that. Rubbing the back of my neck, I tried to find the words that would make her see we were meant to be so much fucking more.

  Birdie parked the car outside Blazers. It was too early for a line, and we headed straight into the club. At the top of the steps Birdie stopped to say hello to the bouncer, whom she’d gone to school with. Clo took my hand, squeezing it as we passed through the glass doors. "Wish me luck?"

  Returning her squeeze, I let her go. I didn’t know what to say to her, although several undignified things came to mind. Thumping my fist against my leg, I promised myself there was no fucking way I would beg. Oh hell, yes I would if that’s what it would take. I stalked to the bar while she went to find us a spot near the dance floor.

  Returning with the drinks, I wrapped an arm around her shoulder as I surveyed the room. It was a relief to see there wasn’t a lot of competition, but the way she glanced around told me it didn’t matter. All it would take was one sleazebag to hit on her and I could lose my only chance. There was no way I was willing to let that happen. Shrugging out from under my arm, she glared at me. "Orion, don’t ruin my fun. When I come back from the bathroom you’re going to keep your hands to yourself."

  I didn’t have a choice but to let her go. How much trouble could she get into in the bathroom anyway? Taking a seat, I angled so I could see her come back. My hands would be all over her if that was what it took to keep other guys away.

  Birdie joined me and sipped her water while I continued to watch for Clo to return.


  "Huh?" Why did she have to talk to me? Couldn’t she see I was busy? Darting a glance at her, I kept an eye out for Clo. How long did it take to use the bathroom anyway? A quick glance at my watch offered up little comfort.

  "Orion? Are you going to listen to me?"

  "What do you want, Birdie?"

  "You didn’t hear anything I said, did you?"

  A man came out of the bathrooms, and I focused on Birdie. "Sorry, I’m a little preoccupied."

  Out of the corner of my eye I spotted Clo, her cheeks flushed and her gaze locked on the guy who had come out before her. I sought out the guy, needing to check out the competition.

  He was dressed in jeans and a white, V-neck T-shirt that clung like a second skin to his overly bulked torso. I watched him run his gaze over Clo, lingering a little too long on her curves. The smug grin on his face had me clenching my hands under the table. Maybe it was my imagination, but I would swear something had transpired in the fifteen minutes she’d been gone.

  Turning to her, I looked for signs my imagination wasn’t on overdrive. She wobbled a little as she leaned against the table, her cheeks flushed and her ponytail fluffed up. That cute little mouth of hers turned up with every glance in that sleazebag’s direction.

  "Did you get lost on the way to the bathroom?"

  Lips parted, she busied herself straightening out her skirt and soothing her hair. "Uh, long line for the bathroom." Another lingering glance in his direction made my gut tighten.

  "Making friends?"

  "What? Oh. Yeah."

  I flicked my gaze over the man at the bar again. He ordered drinks and devoured my Clo with his eyes. That smug grin seemed to be permanently etched on his face. I’d be doing everyone a service if I dragged the douche bag out into the alley behind the club and told him to keep his eyes to himself, wouldn’t I? Only, I was sure it had been the guy’s hands too.

  Getting up, I stood between them, trying to bring her focus back to me. "We need to talk."

  "Later," she replied, and scooted around me. I polished off the beer in my hand. I’d need a lot more, if this was how the night was going to go.
/>   Birdie cleared her throat. "What are you doing?"

  I banged the bottle down on the table. "What am I supposed to fucking do?"

  Coming around the table, she got in my face. "You are supposed to tell her you love her. You are supposed to make her realize she’s meant to be with you."

  "But she doesn’t want me."

  "Clo doesn’t know what she wants, Orion. Don’t step aside for that sleaze bag." She nodded her head in their direction. "I’ve put up with your pining for way too long to see you let this opportunity slide. Go get your girl."

  Maybe she was right. I’d spent way too many years wishing Clo would see me as more than a friend to let her go without a fight, but if she turned me down, what would that mean for our friendship? "It’s not that simple."

  "Sure it is." She picked up her glass. "You, big brother, are going to tell her the truth before he takes your girl home. Now, I’m going to see my friends, and you better not be sitting here moping when I come back."

  It couldn’t be that simple, could it? I stared over at them, hating I wasn’t the one she flirted with. Could I tell her I loved her? I wasn’t sure. She wanted to have a one-night stand, and if I came on too strong, I risked losing her. But I couldn’t sit here and do nothing.

  "Damn it," I growled, as I got off my stool and stalked toward them. It was going to have to be now or never. I was either going to get what I wanted or push her away.

  I took her arm as I interrupted them. "We need to talk."

  "Can’t it wait? I’m talking to Colt."

  "No. We’ll talk now." Without giving her time to argue, I pulled her through the crowd, out the exit, and into the alley behind the club.

  When I released her, she planted her hands on her hips, "What is so important you had to act the idiot in front of Colt?"

  "What is it about that guy?"

  She was so fucking sexy when she glared up at me, our faces mere inches apart. Even mad, I loved her. I fought the urge to claim her mouth so she’d be able to answer my questions. "Why do you want someone like that?"

  "What does it matter? It’s only for the night, Orion. I just miss"— she tugged on her ponytail— "the weight of a man sometimes."

  Brushing my thumb over the corner of her mouth, I leaned closer. "If you want the weight of a man, you’ll get one, but it won’t be that sleaze bag inside."

  Her brow furrowed in confusion as I backed her up against the wall. Catching her ponytail in my hand, I tugged her head back and covered her mouth with mine. A gasp escaped her when I flicked my tongue over her lips, making her open to my demands. Sliding past her teeth, I tasted the sensual heat of her mixed with the tang of bourbon. It wasn’t enough. It had been too long since I’d tasted her. Desire consumed me, but fear kept me from pushing it further when she wasn’t responding to me.

  Ready to admit defeat, I let go of her ponytail. I wasn’t what she wanted. Would never be. Then her arms were winding around my neck, pulling me back to her, and it was all I needed to push the kiss further. Open to me, she tangled her tongue with mine as I pressed into her. Intoxicated by the way she filled my senses, her perfume enveloping me I groaned into her.

  "Fuck, Clo. You don’t know how long I’ve wanted to do this." I skimmed my palms over her hips, cupping her ass and crushing my body against hers so she could feel the way my cock responded to her.

  "Orion," she whimpered, "why are you doing this?"

  "I want you." My knee between her legs, I spread them further apart so I could slide my hand up under her skirt to run a finger over her panty-covered slit. The damp heat of the thin cotton betrayed the effect I was having on her while she trembled against me. "Admit you want me too."

  Darting my tongue over her clavicle, I nipped the sensitive flesh of her neck, and she gasped, her body stretching with the first full flutter of arousal. Doing that to her, making her hot and wet for me, turned me on more than I’d ever been before. Blood rushed through me, making my erection almost painful. It pulsed with need, aching to be buried inside her.

  Palming her pussy, still safe behind that scrap of cloth, I nibbled at her lips. "Tell me you want this and I'll make you cum."

  I ground my palm against her, not giving her bucking hips enough to get off, but willing to if she just told me what I wanted to hear. Stifling a moan, she tried to pull me down to her mouth, and I moved my hand away.

  "You're only filling a need, remember?" Her lips parted, and her eyes widened, but there was steel resolve in them and I knew it would take more to get her to beg me to finish her off. God I wanted to. With my hands, and my mouth, and my cock. I desperately wanted to be surrounded by her tight pussy, feeling the heat of her while I fucked her in ways I’d never wanted to fuck anyone else. But, she needed to tell me she wanted that too. I needed her to want me so much she would never stop.

  Gripping her ass, I brought one leg up to my hip, causing her skirt to ride up. "I’m more than that, Clo. Tell me you want me."

  She wound her other leg around my waist, and wriggled against the hard bulge in my pants. "I want you. I want you to use my body and make me feel... good."

  "I can do that, babe. Let me take you home."

  "What’s wrong with right here?" She whispered her lips over my jaw.

  Ripping her panties off was beyond tempting. My cock stretched against its denim prison, more than willing to sink inside her. Have some fucking patience, Orion. I was going to slide inside her, but not here, not yet. If I wanted to convince her we should have more than a five minute quickie, then giving her what she wanted was not in my best interest.

  Supporting her with one hand against the wall, I slid my hand up under her shirt to knead one pert breast. The nipple hardened through the lace of her bra as she arched into my hand. "Sure, I’ll make you cum, but if you want me to fuck you the way you really need, you’re going to have to come home with me."

  Whimpering, her breath quickening at my words, she clung to me while I slipped a finger into her panties and brushed it over her clit. She bounced in my arms, jumping from the contact before she settled. Her hips undulated with each slide of my fingers, becoming frantic the closer she got. Pushing inside her, I used my thumb on the sensitive nub, and sought out her mouth, capturing the moans that my fingers created. Her body froze then jerked around me as she let out a long low whimper. Head tilted back, her hair swaying against my arm and her cheeks flushed from her orgasm, she was the most beautiful thing I had ever seen.

  "You want more, beautiful?" I pressed my lips to her hair when she rested her head on my shoulder.

  Unwinding herself from me, she slid to the ground. "Do you think that’s a good idea?"

  "I want to make you cum again. Several times, preferably." I reached for her, but she stepped away and started straightening out her skirt.

  "We’re friends. I don’t understand what’s got into you." She failed miserably at taming her hair.

  Capturing her hand, I tugged her into me. "You got into me, Clo, and I plan on getting into you."

  "But, we’re friends." Her voice cracked as she said the word that had never quite encompassed our relationship.

  I had her between the wall and me before she could catch a breath. Hands shaking, I wrestled with wanting to destroy her misconceptions and holding on to what we had. My chest tightened, every inch of my skin buzzing. We're meant to be more than friends. You've always been the girl who holds my heart in her hands, and right now you don't even know you're squeezing the life out of it. Even before the words tumbled from my mouth, I knew I would give a coward's answer, one that would barely graze the surface of how much I wanted her. "You need a fuck, and so do I. I can give you what you want."

  Not giving her time to reject me, I had her mouth under mine before she could say a word. The way she clung to me, giving in to my demands, made it obvious how needy she still was. It wouldn’t take much to make her putty in my hands. "Promise you’ll go home with me, and I’ll let you go."

  "We can’t do this.
You’re my best friend." Breaking away, she shook her head.

  It wasn’t the answer I wanted. My hand was under her skirt in a second, working her clit, her hips undulating against my touch. "Promise me," I growled. "Come home with me."

  "I..." Eyes closed, she darted her tongue over her lips as her hips bucked against my hand.

  "Say it with me. I promise..."

  "I promise..." She moaned.

  " go home with Orion."

  "Oh fuck, Orion."

  "Say it."

  Her eyes flew open as I stroked her inner walls. "I promise to go home with you."

  "Now that wasn’t so hard was it?" With a shit-eating grin, I let her straighten herself out a second time, but inside my heart still thumped wildly at how easily she could have turned away from me, could still tell me she'd never feel for me the way I felt for her. Skimming my fingers up her jaw to her ear, I smoothed out her wild hair before taking her hand and leading her back inside.

  My gaze drifted, searching out the guy who had planned on taking my girl home. I wanted to see his face when he realized he didn't have a chance in hell of getting between her legs. Her rosy cheeks and the way her hair refused to smooth down made my chest swell. All of this girl was mine, even if she didn't realize it yet.

  Birdie came up to me, and I stopped to talk to her as Clo stalked toward the bar.

  "How did it go? Did you talk to her?"

  Unbelievable. Even when she looked like I'd taken her out in the alley, that douchenozzle had the audacity to hit on her again. "We talked. Now excuse me while I go remove that dickhead's arm from my girl."

  "Wonders will never cease," Birdie called out after me.

  Glaring at Colt, who obviously still had some belief he had a chance with Clo, I pulled her away from him and tucked her into my chest. "You all right, babe? Is this man bothering you?" She’s mine. Find someone else to fuck with.

  She tensed in my arms, and I knew she would have words for me later. For now, I had the upper hand. Nothing and no one was going to get in my way.